Notary Public
The Sheriff’s Office does not provide Notary Public Services. Should documents need to be notarized for an incarcerated person that is in custody the following process will need to be completed.
- Send a Fax with the identifier of the Notary Public, fax and phone number to the Watch Commander Fax # 559-488-3982
- Your name and title.
- Indicate the incarcerated person's name and date of birth.
- Date and time to be conducted.
- Be prepared to present appropriate documentation and ID to the Main Jail Lobby Officer for verification
- Notary Public requests without having Jail Clearance, will be conducted in a Bond Room located in the Main Jail 1st floor or the 1st floor of South Annex Jail if the incarcerated person is housed in the South Annex.
When the fax is received, your will receive a response either telephonically, email or Faxed by the Watch Commander or the designee indicating approval or denial.