Civil News and Updates
Effective January 1, 2024: GOV §26666.10 (AB 2791)
A portion of AB 2791 GOV §26666 took effect on 1/1/2023. GOV § 26666.10 will take effect on 1/1/2024. A new mandated universal instruction form will be required to initiate any service. SER-001 “Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers” will be available 1/1/2024.
Effective January 1, 2025: (AB-2837)
The law now requires the judgment creditor to provide a declaration of address verification to the levying officer when submitting a writ, order, notice or other paper on any person. The levying officer shall not accept or serve any writ, order, notice or other paper on any person if the judgment creditor fails to provide a declaration pursuant to CCP 684.130 (2)(3).
Check back here for continued updates.
**Effective Immediately***
FSO Sheriff instruction forms are no longer valid or available for use.
GOV §26720, 26736, 26738, 26746 (SB 564)
Fees for the Sheriff have increased including the Sheriff’s debtor assessment fee. See “Fees & Service Type” for the new fee schedule.
Any mail sent to an address other than the civil unit post office box address is subject to delays if received at all.
The Sheriff’s Civil Unit will be closed on the following holidays:
12/25/2024 - Christmas Day
1/1/2025 - New Years Day
1/20/2025 - Dr. Martin Luther King
2/17/2025 - Presidents Day
3/31/2025 - Cesar Chavez Day
5/26/2025 - Memorial Day
6/19/2025 - Juneteenth
7/4/2025 - Independence Day
9/1/2025 - Labor Day
11/11/2025 - Veterans Day
11/27/2025 & 11/28/2025 - Thanksgiving
12/25/2025 - Christmas Day
1/1/2026 - New Years Day
The Fresno County Sheriff’s Civil Unit is a full-service county. Our office serves civil process in the manner prescribed by law, covering 6,000 square miles daily. Our office is a neutral third party; therefore, we remain impartial between each party requesting and receiving service.
The Civil Unit is not connected to any department of the court. We do not handle civil disputes, civil crimes or give any legal advice. All civil disputes or civil crimes should be directed to the local jurisdictional agency the address is assigned to-NOT THE CIVIL UNIT. For assistance with a lawsuit, an eviction, a restraining order, or any legal advice, please contact California Superior court or an attorney.
Civil Unit Contact Information
Please have your court case number and Sheriff file number when corresponding with the Civil Unit.
Civil Unit email:
Civil Unit phone: 559-600-8230 MWF 9:00am to 3:00pm
Thank you for your cooperation and patience!
Contact Information
Civil Unit Contact Information
Office Main Line: (559) 600-8230
Fresno County Sheriff's Office Civil Unit
P.O. Box 45025
Fresno, CA 93718
***The Civil Unit will not be responsible for mail sent to the incorrect address***
Hours of Operation
Public Window AND Phone Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Friday: 9am to 3pm
770 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 300
Fresno, CA 93710
***Do not send mail to this address***
Civil Forms
Mandatory Judicial Council Instruction Form ;Effective 1/1/2024, this form is required for all services excluding wage garnishments and other levies.
Miscellaneous ;Effective 1/1/2024, this form is required for all levies excluding wage garnishments.
If you are unable to provide all the information we need on the form, please include an additional page entitled "SER-001 or SER-001A Special Instructions for Sheriff" at the top of the page.
- Eviction Information ;
To cancel a service, you can use this form. The completed form can be emailed to or mailed to our post office box address.
- Wage Garnishment ;
If the following forms are used, the originals are to be completed and filed with Fresno County Sheriff’s Office.
Enforcement of Judgment ;Helpful Links
Search court records by person name, business name or case type, search for judgments against a person or business, and display case information and activities.
Eastern District of California.