All detention facilities are no-hostage facilities. Employees will not bargain for the release of hostages.

Incarcerated Person Info Center

VINE (Victim Information & Notification Everyday)

VINE is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding their offender's custody status and register to receive telephone and email notification when their offender's custody status changes.

You may use the telephone to search for and register to receive notification about the custody status of an offender -- each state/county has their own toll-free VINE phone number. For information on the VINELink in Fresno County, call 1-877-411-5588, or you can search for and register to receive notification about the custody status of an offender via VINELink at

VINE Contact Information for Fresno County
Phone: 1-877-411-5588

The Incarcerated Person Information web page can help with VINE registration if the offender is under the custody of the Fresno County Jail. The Incarcerated Person Search can assist in the search and selection of the offender. The selection will result in the display of the Incarcerated Person Information page where public information on the incarcerated person can be reviewed. Find and click on the link to VINE to register.

The CDCR / Offender ID # in VINE is the same as the Person ID # issued by the Fresno County Jail. If the Person ID # begins with a zero, do not enter it. For example, 0123456, enter 123456. If it begins with multiple zeros such as 0012345, enter 12345.

VINE (Información y Notificación Para Victimas Todos Días) 

VINE es un servicio por el cuál víctimas del crimen pueden utilizar el teléfono o el Internet para buscar información con respecto a el estado de la custodia de el ofensor y donde pueden registrarse para recibir llamadas telefónicas y notificación por correo electrónico cuando la posición de la custodia de el ofensor cambia.

Usted puede utilizar el teléfono para buscar información y registrarse para recibir notificaciones acerca de la posición de la custodia de un ofensor -- cada estado/condado tiene su propio número de teléfono de VINE sin peaje. Para información sobre el VINELink en el Condado de Fresno, llame a 1-877-411-5588, o regístrese para recibir notificaciones acerca de la posición de la custodia de un ofensor vía VINE por la Internet aquí

VINE Contact Information for Fresno County
Phone: 1-877-411-5588

El Centro de Informacion de Presos sitio por la internet puede ayudar con registro si el delincuente esta corriente en la custodia de la carcel de el condado de Fresno. Inmate Search podria asistir en la busqueda y seleccion de el delincuente. La seleccion resultar en una visualizador de el sitio de informacion de presos donde puede ovservar informacion publico sobre el preso. Encontrar y oprima el conectar a VINE para registrar.

The CDCR / Offender ID # in VINE is the same as the Person ID # issued by the Fresno County Jail. If the Person ID # begins with a zero, do not enter it. For example, 0123456, enter 123456. If it begins with multiple zeros such as 0012345, enter 12345.

VINE Mobile QR Code

VINE now offers an app for download on smartphones. With this app, you can view inmate information.

Install the VINEMobile App

Scan the above QR Code to install this app on your phone.

Jail Questions

How do I get information about someone who was arrested?

To see if someone is in custody, check the Inmate Information Center, or you may call (559) 475-9491.

Can I order packaged goods online for an inmate?

Yes -- gives you the opportunity to show friends and loved ones you're thinking of them while they're incarcerated.