The County of Fresno, contracted with Lars Andersen & Associates, INC. (L.A.A. Inc.) to conduct a facilities assessment and estimate of costs associated with bringing the Fresno County Detention Facilities into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The assessment concluded and LAA Inc. submitted a draft transition plan for each of the three detention facilities currently being operated by the Fresno County Sheriff – Coroner’s Office on June 30th, 2014.
The associated base construction costs for each facilities estimated renovations are listed below:
Main Jail total Cost = $6,556,400
North Annex Jail total Cost = $3,337,150
South Annex Jail total Cost = $13,181,800
Total base construction cost = $23,075,350
In determining which of the items in the facilities to complete first, ADA section 35.151 (IV) (B) was utilized as a reference:
In choosing which accessible elements to provide, priority should be given to those elements that will provide the greatest access, in the following order—
- An accessible entrance
- An accessible route to the altered area
- At least one accessible restroom for each sex or a single unisex restroom
- Accessible telephones
- Accessible drinking fountains
- When possible, additional accessible elements such as parking, storage, and alarms.
The following identifies the recommended initial modifications from the facilities assessment conducted by L.A.A. Inc.
The initial modification will be to the current Out Patient Housing unit on the second floor of the Main Jail. This housing unit holds those inmates who are currently receiving medical “treatment” and or cannot be housed in other areas of the facilities due to their physical limitations and or the inability of the facility to appropriately accommodate their needs. All housing units on the Main Jail 2nd floor will be modified to be in full compliance with the requirements of the ADA.
Other areas selected for modification are as follows in order of priority:
- Master signage through out all three detention facilities
- Main Jail Lobby desk – desk currently is not within ADA standards and impairs interaction between facility staff and the public. Counter to be modified to comply with ADA standards while providing facility security.
- Male and female restrooms in the Main Jail Lobby – bathrooms are currently not within standards. The modification at this centrally located point in the detention complex will serve public accessibility.
- North Annex Jail Housing Units* – modification of housing unit(s) to add water closet and shower to lower tier providing access to those with disabilities. Add and specify ADA accessible bunks in the housing units.
- Main Jail shower modifications* – current housing unit showers are not ADA accessible. Modify current showers to provide ADA accessibility (Grab bars, shower nozzles, accessible entries and ramps).
- Main Jail housing units – modify designated cells to comply with ADA standards. This will require the combining of two cells into one single multiple occupant cell with ADA compliant features.
- Male and Female Dress-In areas on Main Jail 1st Floor – Accessible shower access to new arrestees that will be housed within the detention facilities.
Modifications to the South Annex Jail Facility will currently be completed at a minimum level due to the current planning and implementation of the construction of the Fresno County West Annex Jail. The West Annex Jail facility when completed will replace the current South Annex Jail for the housing of inmates. At that time the South Annex Jail will cease to function as a correctional inmate housing facility as stipulated in Hall v County of Fresno 1-30-2015 (Doc. 112-1).
Initial planning and architectural design of all initially targeted areas is currently being implemented. Facilities modification will be completed in the aforementioned order as funds are allocated annually by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors.
5-10 year Plan
Year(s) 1-2 OPHU Housing Units (Main Jail 2nd Floor) – complete upgrade
Year(s) 1-3 Signage (Entrances – Housing Units – Common Areas)
Years(s) 2-4 Lobby Area (physical design including bathrooms)
Year(s) 2-10+ Select Shower and Toilet Upgrades to ADA standards (North and Main Jails)
Year(s) 2-10+ North Jail Housing Units (living area bottom tier/shower/toilet accessibility)
Year(s) 6-10+ Dress-in areas on Main Jail 1st Floor (accessible shower access)
*Shower construction(s) may alternate between the North Annex Jail and the Main Jail based on required fixes due to plumbing repairs and/or damage to the unit(s).
Attached documents